Monday, 27 July 2015

Talking to Trees

Spent yesterday walking for hours through a nature reserve with my daughter and best friend, Rising Sun Country Park, which is nearly on my doorstep and I have never visited! It is beautiful, lots of woodland, ponds and so peaceful and covers over 400 acres. We found this passage of trees when we got lost :) but that's the beauty of walking somewhere new and eventually all paths lead you back to the main walks.  It was eerily quiet and I wouldn't have wanted to walk there by myself but it was fascinating and magical.

This tree from a distance looked to me like an old man hunched over but all three of us saw something else but as usual when you got up close it didn't look like anything but the bottom of the tree. 

There are lots of ponds throughout the park some large ones like these and some really tiny ones that date back hundreds of years. Also a lake with a hide but unfortunately everything was hiding from us :) 

These trees fascinated me with their many intertwined branches and the unusual way they grew out of the ground.

At the end of our walk we met this beautiful friendly horse who seemed to be just waiting for the many pats and cuddles he knew he would receive from the passing humans!

I will definitely be visiting again!

Friday, 15 May 2015

MadeBySteffieB Blog

Please read this wonderful lady's blog about infertility caused by medical negligence and how she is creating #Cuties to raise funds for IVF treatment.

MadeBySteffieB Blog

This is my #cutie Jacquelyn having a day out in the garden.

Each cutie is one of a kind created by SteffieB - why not have one created just for you or choose from her wonderful collection here MadeBySteffieB

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Freddy Kruger Sweater - A New Nightmare

Completed the knitting of the first Freddy Kruger sweater from my custom order for two. It's from the New Nightmare movie part 7 now packaged and on it's way to the US. A little difficult to get a good photo as this is a size 44 inch chest on a 36 inch model so looks a little crumpled :( but it's not! I am on track to be shipping the next one by the end of the week. 

I hadn't realised that there were so many different versions of the sweater depending on which Freddy movie it is for. The stripe pattern is very precise and the size of the sweater determines the height of the stripes to ensure you have the exact pattern. Think I need to watch all the movies again!

As it is raining and so cold I decided today was 'a sort out my stock' day which has taken hours, this photo shows a very small part of it. I always knew where everything was just it took a little longer to find it! 

Next it's the sorting out of my 5 very large wool containers, I usually do this every month but haven't for a while but as I have a new wool order arriving this week I had better do this tomorrow. I wonder if all knitters can't resist buying wool even when they have more than enough, if you are one of them let me know :) 

Now back to knitting with a rather large latte and a strawberry cupcake.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Sunshine in the Garden

I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy the sun this week. I managed to find time to sit and read my book in the garden and so glad I did as today it is back to being cold and raining again! I know it's good for the garden and my plants are loving it.  My clematis has gone from tiny buds to flowering in the last few days and it has hundreds of them.

I have lots of fruit trees and bushes in the garden but unfortunately can't remember what berries this one will have but I love the flowers.

We have lots of flowers and plants to attract bees and insects and here is a very large bumble bee that decided to attach itself to my boot, I only knew this because Clifford, our dog, was running around my legs barking - he doesn't like bees - and I rescued it before he could get to it - all our animals are rescued :)He eventually flew off safe and sound.

Missy also enjoyed the warm weather sleeping on my chair as soon as I wasn't in it.

With the weather being so wonderful I managed to dry my washing outside with a little help from my Cutie friend Jacquelyn - created for me by Steffie MadeBySteffieB - here she is helping me.

She had a little play in the garden after that!

Today heating is on, staying inside and completing a custom order for two Freddy Kruger sweaters while watching Daredevil on Netflix!

Have a great weekend everyone whatever the weather.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Lining A Knitted Hat

Well today, for the first time, I lined one of my cabled knit hats with a satin lining. This was a custom request order as I hadn't realised that pure wool creates static on your hair and having it lined stops this from happening, you learn something new every day! 

Maybe I never noticed as my hair is so messy (intentionally) and full of product nothing gets through to it :). I haven't used my sewing machine for such a long time now - I used to make lots of clothes and soft furnishings but then life and knitting got in the way and I stopped but after making this today I think it's time I started again.

After making sure the lining was wide enough - I added an extra 4 inches to the width ie hat will stretch to 24 inches - so cut the lining to 28 inches. I also added to 3 inches to the length as you only need approximately 3/4 inch top and bottom to turn under. That ensured there was plenty of room as satin lining does not stretch. I also attached the lining to the top of the hat with a few stitches so that it can not slip around once on your head.

Photo below is of the hat inside out with the lining.

This is a photo of the hat completed.

I had wondered about how to sew the lining to the hat to make sure it stretched enough with the hat when worn. I found this great blog post by Playinhookydesigns about using a mannequin head when stitching the lining to the hat, I know she was using a stretch fabric to line her hats with but the principal was the same and it worked. Sometimes the answer is staring you in the face, as my mannequin head is next to me in my office/craft room all the time!

Now it's on it's way to it's new owner in time for Winter - it's always winter somewhere in the world :).

Now should I go and sew or knit that is the question!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

ClickClackKnits Give-away

We are having an Easter Give-away on Facebook.

You can win one our fun Water Melon Fruit Beanie Hats.

To enter the prize draw all you have to do is click on this link:

Easter Give-away

Like the post, share the post and comment saying what your favourite fruit is!

Mine is actually Water Melon :)

The draw will close at midnight Tuesday 7 April. The winner will be announced on Wednesday 8 April.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Knitting Patterns

We have added a new Knitting pattern to our collection today. I have been intending to write more patterns for months now but then decide it's more fun to knit instead.  Any sensible person would write the pattern as they are creating it but I usually start with the first 4 lines then get engrossed in the design part! So in order to write the pattern I have to have the finished hat beside me and write it from looking at the hat, certainly not the best way to do it!

We have patterns for hats, fingerless gloves and headbands. I've promised myself over the next few weeks I will write more.  Now I have to go and order more wool as a new design just popped into my head - here we go again :).

Monday, 23 March 2015

Knitting with Wool

I think I have mentioned a few times how much I love to knit with wool! I have recently been using wool from WoolyKnit who are a small family run group of companies based in Saddleworth, Yorkshire - not too far from where I live. They create original yarns and fibres from within the UK. For anyone who knits I would recommend you check out their website for their beautiful range of wools.

This is my latest creation using two strands of their Aran weight wool to give a super chunky texture. Of course knit in my favourite colour of purple :)

Steffie who made my beautiful and so adorable Jacquelyn Cutie now has her own website and blog MadeBySteffieB .  She lets you know how she creates her cuties and why she started making them. Please stop by and say hi.

Jacquelyn the mini owl Amugurumi with a heart finished item comes in a box

Thought for the day:

'You can't fail if you don't quit and you can't succeed if you don't start'

Monday, 16 March 2015

The Cutest of Cuties

I have to share these wonderful Cutie creations made by MadeBySteffieB . She is making these with love to raise money for her IVF treatment. 

Luca the owl Amugurumi finished item comes in a box

Each one is an original design and all have names of their own. Steffie even created one named after me which my wonderful mom and dad bought me as a gift. Isn't she beautiful!

"Meet Jacquelyn , her favourite past time is knitting... she makes hats, all shapes and colours!"

Jacquelyn the mini owl Amugurumi with a heart finished item comes in a box

They would make a really special and unique gift for anyone. Cuties are tokens of love for special occasions or keepsakes.  I'm sure if you asked Steffie she would create a one just for you or someone special. A few more photos of cuties below.

Lucy the mouse, little cutie, crochet amigurumi

Maya the bee, amigurumi miniture crochet animal bug comes in a plain box

Forrest and Jenny - Peas & Carrots Cuties -  Amigurumi Crochet mini

Embedded image permalink

Lou the Red Robin- Amugurumi finished item comes in a box

To see more wonderful cutie creations just click here: MadebySteffieB

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

British Wool

I love knitting with wool. It is so amazing as it keeps you warm on those cold days and cool in the summer, will last for years and years if you take good care of it and then it can be recycled/upcycled.

The latest addition to our collection is knit in an Aran weight British wool in deep purple. If I haven't mentioned it before that is my favourite colour and I would knit everything in purple :)

We have also added some crocheted items to our collection which are made by Iris - I have never mastered the art of crocheting.

This Infinity Scarf/Cowl is crocheted in a beautiful mix of Merino Wool and Cotton, it is so soft and easy to wear.

Also Infinity scarves in bright and colourful acrylic.

Today for the first time this month the sun is shining, it's slightly warm and we don't need the heating on! Spring maybe on it's way.

Thought for the day:


Saturday, 7 March 2015

Mother's Day Sale

Just a quick post to let you know that we are having a 40% Off Sale on all our Women's hats, cowls and fingerless gloves.

UK delivery in time for Mother's Day if ordered by Wednesday 11 March.

All are gift wrapped and boxed for delivery. 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

A Late Happy New Year

Well I have neglected my blog for months due to being so busy, things have calmed down a little bit now and here's to a great 2015.

Woke up to snow this morning but we're lucky as it was only a covering but it so cold, log fire will be on later. We seem to have a little circle around Newcastle upon Tyne that prevents the really bad weather from finding us. 

Have read some great books over the last few weeks. ER Mason is a new author I hadn't read before and really enjoyed Deep Crossing and Shock Diamonds.


Currently reading another Science Fiction trilogy but can't remember the author, it was free on the Kindle.  After saying I would never be converted from paper books I have to say I have been, so much easier to carry with you and so much choice without having to browse websites or shops.  I do still check out my local charity shops though for a bargain book and am actually taking about 70 books to the local charity shop today, really need the space behind my bedroom door back!

I have just read a blog post Time To Change about mental health and how people perceive and judge you as soon as you mention this subject without really knowing anything about it. Until you or someone in your family has experienced this you really don't know how they feel.  I hope people will take the time to read it and understand. You can also follow on Twitter.

I have added lots of new hats and cowls to my shop ClickClackKnits

I love to find new wools and yarns to create my designs so there is something for everyone.  .

I have also written a couple of new patterns.  If you are reading this and want a free one just check the here: 
Knitting Patterns 

email me at 

and I will send it to you.

Well must get back to packing today's orders and hope it's not to slippy on the way to the Post Office.

Have a wonderful day.