Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Knitting Patterns

We have added a new Knitting pattern to our collection today. I have been intending to write more patterns for months now but then decide it's more fun to knit instead.  Any sensible person would write the pattern as they are creating it but I usually start with the first 4 lines then get engrossed in the design part! So in order to write the pattern I have to have the finished hat beside me and write it from looking at the hat, certainly not the best way to do it!

We have patterns for hats, fingerless gloves and headbands. I've promised myself over the next few weeks I will write more.  Now I have to go and order more wool as a new design just popped into my head - here we go again :).

Monday, 23 March 2015

Knitting with Wool

I think I have mentioned a few times how much I love to knit with wool! I have recently been using wool from WoolyKnit who are a small family run group of companies based in Saddleworth, Yorkshire - not too far from where I live. They create original yarns and fibres from within the UK. For anyone who knits I would recommend you check out their website for their beautiful range of wools.

This is my latest creation using two strands of their Aran weight wool to give a super chunky texture. Of course knit in my favourite colour of purple :)

Steffie who made my beautiful and so adorable Jacquelyn Cutie now has her own website and blog MadeBySteffieB .  She lets you know how she creates her cuties and why she started making them. Please stop by and say hi.

Jacquelyn the mini owl Amugurumi with a heart finished item comes in a box

Thought for the day:

'You can't fail if you don't quit and you can't succeed if you don't start'

Monday, 16 March 2015

The Cutest of Cuties

I have to share these wonderful Cutie creations made by MadeBySteffieB . She is making these with love to raise money for her IVF treatment. 

Luca the owl Amugurumi finished item comes in a box

Each one is an original design and all have names of their own. Steffie even created one named after me which my wonderful mom and dad bought me as a gift. Isn't she beautiful!

"Meet Jacquelyn , her favourite past time is knitting... she makes hats, all shapes and colours!"

Jacquelyn the mini owl Amugurumi with a heart finished item comes in a box

They would make a really special and unique gift for anyone. Cuties are tokens of love for special occasions or keepsakes.  I'm sure if you asked Steffie she would create a one just for you or someone special. A few more photos of cuties below.

Lucy the mouse, little cutie, crochet amigurumi

Maya the bee, amigurumi miniture crochet animal bug comes in a plain box

Forrest and Jenny - Peas & Carrots Cuties -  Amigurumi Crochet mini

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Lou the Red Robin- Amugurumi finished item comes in a box

To see more wonderful cutie creations just click here: MadebySteffieB

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

British Wool

I love knitting with wool. It is so amazing as it keeps you warm on those cold days and cool in the summer, will last for years and years if you take good care of it and then it can be recycled/upcycled.

The latest addition to our collection is knit in an Aran weight British wool in deep purple. If I haven't mentioned it before that is my favourite colour and I would knit everything in purple :)

We have also added some crocheted items to our collection which are made by Iris - I have never mastered the art of crocheting.

This Infinity Scarf/Cowl is crocheted in a beautiful mix of Merino Wool and Cotton, it is so soft and easy to wear.

Also Infinity scarves in bright and colourful acrylic.

Today for the first time this month the sun is shining, it's slightly warm and we don't need the heating on! Spring maybe on it's way.

Thought for the day:

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/thought.html#P6r1lF6x5DGOHJrx.99

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Mother's Day Sale

Just a quick post to let you know that we are having a 40% Off Sale on all our Women's hats, cowls and fingerless gloves.

UK delivery in time for Mother's Day if ordered by Wednesday 11 March.

All are gift wrapped and boxed for delivery.